Selfridges - Ops Standards
The Ops Standards guide will cover a lot of Selfridge’s business ethics. This is a tool for managers and group leaders who are looking for guidance towards their duties, this document will ensure that leaders are well informed of what to look for, how to engage appropriately and efficiently with our community, and build leadership skills necessary to their job position.
This guide will serve as a handbook for Selfridges Leaders.
Creating An Awesome Work Environment.
Selfridges prides itself on having exemplary leaders who are capable, inspirational, calm and collected. Together, we have a successful business that’s held together by our ethics, attitude and knowledge. Being a leader requires to once be a follower, and a leader is someone who can inspire and care for followers. A position of leadership is a position of trust, strength and hard work.
Inspiring Our Future Leaders
At Selfridges, we consider all of our employees as future leaders, from Trainees to Managers, we all play our own parts for our group. It is important that we act calm, composed and professional to help set an example for our future leaders. It is statistically proven that 67% of employees who are inspired and happy with their management will continue to support and be proud of their company.
Treat our future leaders with respect and dignity, some may wish to stay where they are, where some are inspired to be apart of our bigger picture and one day join the management team. Connect, share your experiences, help answer questions, be a role model, these are all ways we can inspire and develop our future leaders.
Leading Our Team
Leading is a beautiful thing. Remember to stay calm, collected and composed. How you handle stress and situations will say a lot about you. Followers and aspiring leaders feel confident when their leaders are not afraid. Leaders generally don’t make impulsive decisions, they put thought into how their actions can impact their team and their followers. Lead with dignity, lead with experience.
Providing Feedback Constructively
Avoid teaching, and provide constructive feedback. Commonly known as coaching, this method has proven the test of time in helping people learn and grow without forcing it upon them. You can demonstrate coaching constructively, and this will help the person understand the situation from a different perspective.
Don’t do that ever again.
That is unacceptable.
I will demote you if you continue.
Hey, what happened here? Maybe for next time let’s try this_____?
Let’s try to work on this, this will help our store by _______ .
Just a reminder that we nee to _________ because it will _____________.
Above, we saw some good examples on coaching versus threatening. This will not only help your situation because the person will be more receptive to feedback than telling, but it will help you as a leader, and them as a person grow to feel more comfortable. Coaching is not just for leaders.
Modelling Our Brand
To be a leader is to be passionate about our mission, our goals, and our values as a group. We must work together to represent our group in a way that is respectful, professional and best in class. As a leader, we should participate in the community, we should answer any questions that our team, or our community may have. We should always communicate with punctuation and composure. We can help each other, and our brand grow by being supportive of others. Your team is your family and we will look after each other. Setting an example of leadership for our group is crucial for our leaders of tomorrow. There is no second chance for a first impression.
Forming Tomorrow
As leaders we play a crucial part in our communities success. We inspire our group to bring out the best in us, and to show up and represent our brand in a way that can not be achieved without passion. We look out for each other, we help each other and we support our community the best we can. We can help develop and create great leaders in many ways.
Be positive, always. Your attitude paints a bigger picture than you think. Acting professionally and with dignity will inspire followers to become leaders.
Work hard, but have fun. Don’t be afraid to have some fun in the workplace.
Follow all standards and expectations, and provide feedback and coaching where necessary.
Be passionate about our brand help our members get excited for our future.
Work as a community, not as a team.
Remain calm and composed, even under pressure.
Do not be afraid to ask for help.
Encourage questions and comments.
Corrective Actions
Corrective Actions or CA’s are usually only handed out to Medium to High ranking members to address concern within performance or composure. They are generally a learning experience, and shouldn’t be thought of as a punishment. In extreme circumstances CA’s can be issued to lower ranking members.
What They Do
CA’s bring awareness to situations where they’re needed, usually served for violations of expectations and guides they will provide a constructive reasoning, as well as steps for improvement to avoid further action. CA’s are not given out lightly and plenty of things to into consideration.
Steps Required
All Corrective Actions must be reviewed by several people before presentation. A Chief Staff Officer+ may initiate the process for a Corrective Action.
Initiating the Corrective Action (a CSO+ must fill out the appropriate documents found in the Executive Staff Toolkit)
Presenting the Corrective Action to the Board of Directors (The Board of Directors must review the action and decide if the grounds are reasonable to proceed.)
Presenting the Corrective Action to a Fume Enterprises Compliance Officer (A Fume CO will ensure that the action is valid and provide uninvolved feedback.)
Presenting the Corrective Action to the Chairpeople (Both the Chairman and Vice Chairman must review the action and decide whether it may be served or not.)
Serving the Corrective Action (The user will be notified and asked to be apart of a group chat where the matter will be discussed, if the user refuses they will be suspended indefinitely until they choose to accept the action.)
Developing a Plan Forward (This will allow the user to be accountable and take steps to improve for the future.)
Submitting the Corrective Action to the Fume Enterprises SMD (Here the report may be submitted to be logged in the users permanent file.)
As you can see, plenty of steps are taken to ensure Corrective Actions are used as a last resort, and are individually reviewed by several bodies to ensure it is the best action to take. Selfridges does not like to issue CA’s, but it may be necessary for specific circumstances. Every step will be taken to avoid issuing a CA.
Types of Corrective Actions
Documented Warning
This is the lowest level corrective action, and will be used as a wakeup call for individuals who may be deterring from our values and expectations. -
Final Documented Warning
These are used in more extreme cases, a user does not have to have any prior warnings to receive a final, but the circumstances must warrant it. These are used for serious infractions and is the most severe action next to termination. -
Every step will be taken to avoid termination, there are some cases where users may not have had any warnings, but are subject to termination based on good reasoning. Termination cases are handled by the Fume Ethics & Compliance Team and there must be a good case to petition for termination.
Moving Forward
Selfridges is required to follow up with individuals who receive corrective actions. We will take steps to see how improvement is going, and how we can provide support. Some users who have CA’s may be put on a “Success Plan” which will help them improve, if there is no improvement they may be subject to higher corrective action, up to termination.
Promoting And Demoting
Steps towards ranking up is huge to Selfridges. We want everyone to succeed and be apart of our team. It is important that we take steps into consideration for Rank Management.
Promoting Trainees
Users who are Trainees must only be promoted following completion of the Selfridges Training Course. Courses may be held by any Trainer Certified user.
Trainings must only be held during the appropriate scheduled times. See main handbook.
Promoting Junior Associate - Senior Associate
Users MUST only be promoted one rank at a time. Users can receive one promotion every 72 hours.
- Promoted for completing a training to satisfaction.
- Promoted for extended activity and competence as seen by a CSO+
Senior Associate > Staff Assistant
This is the first big leap into management. To become a Staff Assistant the Senior Associate must demonstrate a number of skills.
- Must have worked at Selfridges for 30+ days
- May not have any Corrective Actions in the last 120 days.
- May not have any Moderation Actions in the last 60 days.
- Must be active and professional.
- Must be a positive and respected member of the community.
- Must demonstrate willingness to learn and grow as a leader.
The decision to promote someone to Staff Assistant must be made by a Chief Staff Officer + and must follow all the conditions above. Users of Supervising Team + may recommend a users promotion to the CSO.
Promoting Staff Assistant +
Coming Soon.
Last Updated: 28/4/2021