Sell your models

I have found a lot of people asking me if the could buy or have some of my models. It would be nice if we could sell models to players for a customized price.

The potential problems I see is a person buying it and then uploading it as their own model, so perhaps someone could come up with a counter to that.


People can easily still copy clothes using a similar method.


The potential problems I see is a person buying it and then uploading it as their own model, so perhaps someone could come up with a counter to that. [/quote]

The main issue is selling a map for thousands of robux, I think. Selling a model solves the problem of “who does the trust trade first - the map maker or the buyer?”

"The potential problems I see is a person buying it and then uploading it as their own model, so perhaps someone could come up with a counter to that. " If you don’t want your models pirated, then don’t release them in the first place. However, that’s no reason to not turn this into a feature. There are still a good chunk of transactions that could take place in which the seller is transferring all rights to the buyer (i.e. contract work) – who cares if the buyer releases it after.

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