Hello, I’ve been working on this place quite some time now and I’d like some feedback from you guys.
I am planning to sell this place but first I want to hear all of your opinions/thoughts about it!
(Would be generous if someone gave me a good price range what should I sell this for as a tip!)
I don’t want to spam with many pictures so I included the link so everyone could see it.
Honestly its really good! (i know i wouldnt have patience to build that) but i noiticed that beams that were coming from ceiling lights always clipped through other objects and flooring so maybe that could be a fix i guess…
I tried to fix some of the light beams but I didn’t figure out how to make them shorter so I thought I would just keep them like that (hoping nobody would notice )
If I can’t find any custom builder for my other job, Id be willing to buy for a nice price. You can contact me on discord if you wish to communicate,