Send an email to your email through roblox game

I created a email sending game [good for game web link or something like long web links not open through roblox] using my web host.
Input your email address, It will send you an email :+1:

Game to test [check your spam email if you donā€™t see them] - I AM HIREABLE :grinning:


this is literally no useful at all! doe good work I like how you used http service and also dont show ur email to people on the internet. you may be asking that HOW IS THIS USELESS?

  1. what are its uses?
  2. if you want to make a notification system not a lot of people will give there email to random games on roblox!

well yeah but sb will find it usefull. And why showing email and send your email address is harmful? :grinning:

I believe this is against TOS, and besides, its best for security that you donā€™t give yourā€™e email to random people on the internet.

Like @Qinrir what are any uses of this? Itā€™s honestly easier to send a notification through the server in game.

Okay. Leave me a heart maybe :heart_eyes:

You invented a technology on Roblox, but itā€™s not useful enough, according to @Qinrir

Of course, it could become quite useful, if you developped it into a product.
A working phone or a working PC, with scripts, GUI and potentially audio.
This phone can contact people whoā€™s outside roblox with emails, and players inside other games with the same phone model/plugin.
Youā€™re gonna make the next generation roblox item. It might even win the Best use of Tech Bloxy award.

this is cause of one simple reason HACKERS everybody knows if some hacker has ur email they can potentially log into ur account or other than that SPAMMERS

Have you ever though about a roblox first NFT game?

I will admit, this is an outstanding creation but I really donā€™t see the purpose of it in games. Good work :+1:

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Hire me for roblox + web stuff :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I donā€™t think they said anything that would compliment your game at all. ā€¦(*ļæ£ļ¼ļæ£)惎

This is somewhat interesting but Iā€™m mainly concerned about the security of it. What would stop someone from storing these emails and doing something with them? Especially if theyā€™re connected to someoneā€™s ROBLOX account, thereā€™s plenty of risks right there alone.

Other than work-related business and such, I donā€™t think many people use emails anymore. Especially if theyā€™re younger people who would rather use a platform like Discord to talk to others on.

I donā€™t even think this is allowed by the TOS since itā€™s asking you to input information, but IF this were allowed and secure I think the one good use for it would be to send feedback, but I would probably make it send to a Discord server instead of an email.

Cool. I will try make a Discord roblox game :+1:

ā€¦ hackers can hack whoever they want as long as the victim is connected online. Bruh
Plus he never said that this features makes your e-mail public, itā€™s just a simple mailbox app like all the others, Gmail, Outlookā€¦
So spammers wonā€™t be able to see unless you show it to them. And plus they can spam with real emails if they wantā€¦

No need, thereā€™s already Chatting Simulator 2, very good discord. Just work for them

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