The reason Im doing this 4 bullets with spread are fired every two frames.
Each bullet is simulated on the server using raycasting for hit detection, without a model acting as the hitbox. The client sends the direction and the startingcframe of the bullet. These thing is created when a client fires a remote event to the server, with sanity checks upcourse. The client also makes its own bullet raycasting for visuals, for example when hit destory the bullet.
Right now I can handle this, and it works fine with 3 people, i’m just wondering if theres more performant way to do this.
I know I could just send a table of 4 bullet datas to the server, but here :
it clearly says the amount of times sent doesn’t matter, but the amount of data sent does, any compression formulas, ect would be helpful.
Yeah that article goes a little too in depth for roblox. The section about how they compress data is probably the most interesting.
Unless you’re simulating your own physics (which I don’t recommend), you don’t have that fine of control. Best you can do is to send as little data as possible.