Sending data through a ReservedServer teleport (TeleportService)

I would like to use one place for each of my dungeons so there isn’t eight places for each. I would like to use TeleportService to send the data, but don’t know how. I’ve tried calling :GetLocalPlayerTeleportData, but it doesn’t work because the server is being reserved on a server sided script.
I wouldn’t like to use datastores, because that won’t load before the game has started.
If anyone has any ideas on how to go about this problem, please tell me!

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Hello @TRlSODIN,

Look at this documents: Teleporting Between Places | Roblox Creator Documentation

Scrool down and find " Sending Teleport Data"

If You want to get player data read this: TeleportService | Roblox Creator Documentation

I would not recommend this since hackers can change their values to 93869283858392 since it needs to be a local script

The value is just the difficulty they’re playing, so I guess a level one could get themselves a couple more levels, but also they’d have to be able to fight the higher level enemies.

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Now if your game is not very popular then you have no reason to prevent it, however, there are easy ways to prevent it.

I might just end up using datastores instead, so if that doesn’t work I’ll have to use the more complex way of doing it.

Well an efficient system that prevents exploiters from modifying it is clearly much more difficult to do
Unfortunately there is not much to do about it.

I just used datastore and it worked fine, it’s a much simpler way to do it.