Unpack should be assigned to multiple variables, what your script is doing right now is unpacking it and only getting the first item in the table (I think?)
This reply explains how unpack() works in more depth: How do I unpack this table? - #2 by goldenstein64
when you unpack a table like I did it unpacks all the values, i’ve tested it on the server fully and it works fine but just when I try and send this to the client it breaks.
Honestly it’s at this point if I were you I’d just put them in separate parameters instead of pulling your hair out trying to fix it, I think it’s to do with the fact unpack doesn’t separate the table’s items with a comma that the the tween creation wants to separate arguments.
elseif a == "Tween" then
local TweenServ = game:GetService("TweenService")
TweenServ:Create(b, TweenInfo.new(table.unpack(c.Info)), c.Goal):Play()