Sensei's Gun Kit

hey! any idea why my gun animations are all looping? as a example, the reload and fire animations just loop. i tried doing the same with other animations and another gun model and it worked for some reason. also, any idea why the rig is kinda broken? it goes into the arm instead of the hand. am doing r6 btw

Did you export the animations with the loop enabled?

Also – R6 doesn’t have ‘hands’, it only has arms

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game sense hit sound.
Why does the reload still go on even after you reload? and why are there so many deprecated functions in your scripts like delay.

Hey look it was old, I’m using newer stuff like task.wait() and such

This was made before I took coding ettiquette too seriously


Fair Fair, but any updates to revamp this?

Nah, I’m too busy working on my own projects

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yup, spelling mistake, i mostly work on games when its late. anyway, that was it, thank you!

I know that you’re not updating this anymore but it’s such a great foundation for doing whatever gun you want! Anyways as of now headshots do not register sadly :frowning:

Looks good!
probably going to edit is HARD

Do anyone know how to change the orientation of gun which orientation looks same with orientation of its arm? I tried to change orientation of handle but this does not work.

You could try setting the idle animation to account for this?


Oh I will try it Thanks for reply

I don’t know if this is just me or not but why does the tool keep falling of my hands? and i didn’t even edit anything at all.

If the guy who made HELLMET made anything, You know it’s gonna be good.

Have you ensured that the ‘Can-Query’ option is deactivated, the tool is properly welded, and it’s set to be unanchored?

it was unanchored and about the welding part, the welding script inside the tool was blanked out with grey text.

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So it was entirely comments?
Is that what you mean?

Yup, grey text and when i made it so that it isn’t a comment some red lines started to appear aswell and making it so that the guns doesn’t do damage at all

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Im wondering, is it possible to make a Non-automatic gun? like a pistol or something.

Currently, there is no support for this. You can simply set the firerate to something low, like 100 RPM to simulate the effect of a semi-automatic or semi firearm