Hi everyone, I made a gun kit because I felt like I could help other developers with their games. Yes, I’m aware that FE gun kit is far more versatile and more customizable than this, but hey why not give it a try
I use the FastCast module for the projectile calculations. Very cool module, check it out
In the video, I intentionally screwed up the rigging part to show how you can customize it. Just didn’t show it in the video lol
This system is based off of the gun system in one of my games, Dummies vs Noobs. It was de-spaghettified and modified to make it more versatile and customizable
Any bugs? Problems? Don’t hesitate to let me know.
Happy config’ing!
This is because your projectiles are moving very fast, despite being in hit scan mode. Since you enabled dynamic tracker scaling, it stretches the tracer as if it were a projectile. You can turn down the projectile speed to fix this
(Hopefully) fixed the bug where the crosshair would become offsetted by a bit
Patched up some unnecessary code
Added 4 new config options; RicochetTags, DamageMultipliers, VerticalRecoil and HorizontalRecoil
^ RicochetTags determines what parts (and/or their parents) with a certain tags should be designated to deflect gunshots
^ DamageMultipliers is well… self explanatory. You can decide the whitelisted part names should multiply damage, and by how much
^ The recoil stuffs are self explanatory.
This may or may not need a plugin to help. I recommend you download a tag editor plugin.
Inside the config table, type in a name of the tag that you’ll attach onto stuff. For example, I want a part with the “Reflect” tag, so I’d type in:
["RicochetTags"] = {
Then, use the plugin to assign a part with that tag.
Also, make sure you're using the updated version because the older ones I forgot to patch a bug where richochets didn't happen
Thanks, It would be nice if ricochet system is simple, but it’s fine, also add hitfx for different materials and multiple sounds for one hitfx. like ricochet. really cool system for new players into roblox studio to use.
So there’s a problem with the gun, if it has no rigging it simply falls through the floor out of your hands, but if you enable this it wont fall off
I’m suggesting that if the gun has no rigging then this should enable itself
Great gun kit!
Works fantastic imo.
One problem I have though is that the Ammo seems to be client sided…
Like exploiters could just give themseves infinite ammunition without reloading
Also it seems like they could give themselves super fire rate as well