"Sensor" emulation changes to landscape when set to portrait in edit mode

“Sensor” emulation changes to landscape when set to portrait in edit mode

Repro steps

  1. Open up Roblox Studio
  2. Make a new place
  3. Go to test > emulator. Set to iPhone 5
  4. Set to “Fit to window” (May be optional)
  5. Set ScreenOrientation to Sensor
  6. Rotation the screen to portrait
  7. Play solo

Expected behavior: The screen stays in portrait mode
Actual behavior: The screen swaps back to landscape mode

As a developer, this is annoying because I want to be testing portrait mode, and I don’t want to swap to a random orientation even though it defaults to sensor.

This is a minor bug/UX issue, but it’s annoying enough to warrant a 30 minute fix imo.
