Sentinel; The Ultimate Community Moderation Solution

Sentinel; The Ultimate Community Moderation Solution

Sentinel by Sentinel Moderation Group is a proprietary SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) bot that delivers cutting-edge moderation tools, analytics, and much more, tailored for both Roblox & Discord communities. Sentinel empowers you to maintain a safe, healthy environment for your users while streamlining your moderation workflows.

Why use Sentinel?

Sentinel is designed for ease of use, so you can focus on fostering engagement and positive interaction within your community while we handle the heavy lifting.


Frequently Asked Questions

External Links

Pricing: Sentinel - Discord-to-Roblox Moderation Solution
Luau SDK: GitHub - Metatable-Games/sentinel.sdk: Sentinel Game SDK for experience bans to work.
Luau SDK Documentation: SentinelAPI Documentation | Sentinel Documentation
Open Cloud API Documentation: Open Cloud API Introduction | Sentinel Documentation
Webhooks API Documentation: Introduction to Webhooks | Sentinel Documentation
Terms of Service: Term's of Service | Sentinel Documentation
Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy | Sentinel Documentation


so uhhhhhh

this post basically just says it’s a bot that provides moderation tools and can connect to discord, why should I use it over other free options that do the same exact thing?

this seems like it just makes it SLIGHTLY faster to setup a moderation system, but you can do the exact same thing without spending money


Creating these features is time consuming, some may not have the technical know-how or the money to operate it, no one is forced to use Sentinel. A pay-wall helps us ensure that we can provide the best service possible to our clients. It also helps us to maintain the bot and keep it up-to-date with the latest features, security measures, and keep up the infrastructure.

1 Like

Sentinel has been updated for Public Registries, and a improved Evidence system.

Learn more at Sentinel February Update | Sentinel Documentation

New update

Sentinel has been heavily updated with our new Ranking API, Live stats, Free evidence system, Custom S3 Object Storage, and AI Content Moderator for Imagery.

Ranking API

You can now take advantage of our new Ranking API through the bot (soon :tm:) and through the API right now (/group-role | Sentinel Documentation). This API can be used for ranking centers, and more.

We also created a template using this Ranking API for your own Ranking Center:
SentinelRankCenterDemo.rbxl (58.6 KB)


Luau SDK Update

With this new update we have heavily updated the sentinel.sdk for EvidenceAPI class and RankingAPI class, soon we will be providing additional Cloud API endpoints to upload evidence in-game in the Luau SDK.

SDK: GitHub - Metatable-Games/sentinel.sdk: Sentinel Game SDK for experience bans to work.

Cloud API Update

Additional API endpoints have been added, and improved documentation in our OpenAPI.

API v1 Routes: Routes | Sentinel Documentation


We are actively working on improving the Sentinel documentation and Luau SDK.

Development Blogs: