I am super happy that we can prevent people from seeing which place we’re working on in studio – I never want anyone to be able to see what I’m working on. Just because I don’t want people seeing which place I’m working on in studio though doesn’t mean I don’t want them following me in-game. I want to be able to hide the place I’m working on in Studio from everyone, but I still want my friends to be able to follow me in-game. Please separate this out into two settings instead of just using the follow settings for the studio project visibility.
Isn’t this avoidable by renaming the place/file to something else?
Yes, and previously I renamed all of my places to “:”, but this makes them a complete mess to work with. I still have the aftermath looming around if you want to see:
Those are only a portion of the places though. Every time I use Publish As, I have an infinite number of places named “:” whose icons are an empty baseplate (script-only place), night sky, etc. The only way I know which one to publish to is to either remember the order I last updated them since the places are sorted by last updated on Publish As (which I can remember incorrectly) or go to the site and check which slot the place I want to upload is in. And then, if I want to overwrite a place I haven’t worked on in a long time with a new project, I have to first open up the place to see what it is and make sure it isn’t important since I can’t tell what it is from a generic name.
ROBLOX made it so you can hide which places you’re working on for a reason, so I’m not going to just make that public again and resort to that ugly, messy hack I’ve been resorting to for the past couple of months.