Separating a linear and exponential tween in the same service

I’m making a custom health ui that flashes when the player is healed or damaged, and I want the bar to tween exponentially when it changes to its new position while the colour flash is linear.

Is there a way to separate both tweens into linear and exponential in the same TweenService, or do I have to create a separate service for each?

You would need 2 tweens or you would need to manually interpolate the values. I’m not sure what you mean by creating 2 services since services aren’t created by the developer

I meant that when I played the tween, I wanted to know if I could make the colour change linearly and the size exponentially in one tween, or if I’d have to play 2 separate tweens for that.

I encountered a different problem that needed me to play 2 tweens for them anyway though.

I see. In that case yeah, you’d have to use 2 tweens or manually interpolate the values since a tween can only have 1 easing style.