Seperating a union messes it up

Hey, I’m a little new to building and I have a background in scripting. I’m trying to recolor/modify a helmet and to do that you must seperate the unions that the helmet is made out of. It’s a little hard to describe but here are some photos:

before seperation:

after seperation:

Hopefully this can explain my problem. Like I said I’m new to building and I have no idea what would cause this or if I’m just doing something wrong. Any help is appreciated.


First of all, unions are never known to not be buggy,

Here is a reply where I stated a lot of negative reasons why Unions/NegativeParts shouldn’t be used, and have further listed some solutions and sources to my opinions and claims.

Anyways, although I am not sure why this happened to you,
Possibilities are:

  1. It’s already messed up before the Union parts, Separating may not have broken it(If it does break, click ctrl+Z to undo, then try to separate it again, since it may be just a simple bug that suddenly occurred)
  2. A very minor bug that occurs rarely and has never been found by others
  3. Typical Roblox Studio visual bugs, I suggest try testing the game out and see if it still looks “cut” when your player is near it, it may also be due to the graphics settings
  4. Your union had a lot of parts, hence it’s pretty hard to separate it since Roblox Studio Union modeling isn’t known to be efficient at handling complex shapes

As said before, try not to use unions as they are very buggy. Try to stick to something like blender.