Series | Time tracking & staff management for groups

Earlier today, I released Series, which is the new and smarter way to manage your Roblox team.

Managing staff on Roblox typically revolves around four essential aspects: hiring, communication, maintaining standards, and exercising authority. Series addresses these areas efficiently, streamlining the process and allowing you to concentrate on what truly matters.

By consolidating staff management into a single platform, Series eliminates the need for transferring data between various systems, thus saving valuable time. This unified approach empowers you to focus on driving progress within your group and fostering a thriving community.

We plan to constantly adapt our offerings to meet the specific needs of Roblox groups. Our platform supports group managers with advanced management features, such as streamlined communication tools, detailed activity analytics, and customizable interfaces, which promote efficiency and collaboration within Roblox groups.

⏰ Time tracking

Time tracking helps you track every minute your staff spend in-game. You’ll find out who’s really putting in the effort.

đź“’ Staff management

Store all of the warnings, promotions, demotions and everything else about your team through Series.

đź’¬ Team communication

Using the Feed on Series, you can communicate with your team all in one place.

Should you encounter any issues with Series, we operate a 24x7 customer support team that you can reach out to via the live chat feature, located in the bottom right corner of each page on our website.

It is free to get started with Series and you can sign up now.


Why do you steal rolimons’ bio pasting thing?

also I think it’s a bad idea, because who the hell is gonna use it to chat when there’s the group wall, and You can check the creator dashboard for the time tracking, and for staff management, you can send them warnings by the wall, demotions can be done by lowering the rank, notes aren’t needed when bios exist, promotions can be done using the rank system, and for storage, create an .env file to store it (and you can share it to your team, .env files are meant for private information, if you want public, then use .toml or .json)

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But what if the wall was public? Ya know…for the community to chat on…

Sharing .json, .toml, or .env files are a terrible idea. Who has the time to do that? What if they can’t read it?


What are you referring to? This strategy is used for Roblox account verification and has been used by various applications such as RoVer, Bloxlink, etc. This is definitely NOT unique to just Rolimon.

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you can make the wall restricted like how I did for my group

(roblox locks these abilities but some groups lets you post at the wall without being in the group)

People do, just create a URL (which isn’t filtered, if it is, use a URL shortener) that returns the .env, .json or even .toml

utilize comments as they exist for a reason

this is example in .json

// You can utilize comments like how you do it in C, C# and C++

   "name": "VSCPlays" // this is the user's name
   "rank": 255 // this is the user's rank

example in .env

# You can utilize comments like how you do it in python

name = "VSCPlays" # this is the user's name
rank = 255 # this is the user's rank

This is how you do it in .toml

# You can utilize comments like how you do it in python

name = 'VSCPlays'
rank = 255

the devforums doesn’t format .env and .toml

oh, I don’t know what are these things you provided, and adding things to the bio for verification, what’s the point? human verification? bots can use this api and use this query

   "description": "some-random-description it provides"

What if I want everyone in the group to post on the group wall? To contact teams and to create reports in game and just a general chat.

This is too much work if I can just have a website to have an accessible dashboard which looks visually appealing (to some atleast) to do it for me.

You cannot use comments in JSON, no idea for ENV or TOML.

If you were using this on the server, it most likely wouldn’t work as you need to be authenticated (most likely with a cookie) to do so. Although there are other APIs such as the User API.

Adding on, that is indeed not how the system works. The problem it’s for bots, but to verify users to see if they OWN the Roblox account.


I highly recommend checking if the given workspace already exists before creating one. And add a rate limit

I’ve successfully managed to create 317 workspaces in 10 minutes. Using the same group.



I love it! And it’s free! Would be good if staff could ask for an IN and i would need to approve it etc


Roblox has made OAuth2 public, so why not add that?


Love this! Using it for my group. One thing, would love if there was a space for MRs in the group to like claim sessions, and maybe a file to download with a board for all the session times and weather their claimed or not. But otherwise this is great!


I am starting my own group and trying to organize how we’ll work out things has been a headache, but this is giving me an easy way to handle it, I am excited to put this exciting system into use.


No disrespect but I know few people around me willing to use the group walls, they’re public, impossible to moderate and subject to ROBLOX Filters, so when dealing with some topics and situations you may be given warnings or even bans by ROBLOX, it just not reasonable to effectively use the group wall when external things exist like this, Trello is complicated and insecure, everyone on discord but it’s not right for what this is aiming, personally after using it just for testing purposes I can easily say this service is right for what it’s advertising in my own view, it takes stress off the simple things and allows management and staff to focus on the important things within a team.


you can make it private, AND the filter is good cuz you can’t say bad things and inappropriate stuff, and I fully disagree


Filters counter more things than rude comments and such, in the event your talking about how to handle sensitive topics, your comments can be filtered, such as how staff should go about handling people discussing politics or major world events, ROBLOX usually and actively filters specific names of important people to ensure safety, I don’t agree or disagree with that action but in the field of management and staffing that becomes an issue, and for teams to effectively work developers may need to bring up stuff, some of that would be filtered and be dangerous to risk, I just see no effective way to work off of ROBLOX alone and I’ve managed several groups and teams in the past.


Do you only use the devforum to crap on peoples ideas and projects? From all of the replies I’ve seen from you while scrolling the forum, it just seems to be you crapping on other peoples projects. Example: SoundController - A Sound Management Module - #2 by VSCPlays

Series is one of the more innovative solutions I’ve seen to this problem, but your weird obsession with trying to crap on it and make people create their own alternatives (like using a .env, .json and even .toml to store ENTIRE staff databases) is absurd.

You even commenting on this to talk about it is absurd, as you clearly have no idea of how some of the features actually work (such as bio pasting) and think that bio pasting to ensure someone actually owns the account they’re trying to signup with is patented by Rolimons or something.

The fact you came back after almost a month just to continue talking about how the platform should use Roblox OAuth2 is similarly quite absurd. How about you stay in your own lane instead of purposefully using the Roblox Devforum to put other people down?


No disrespect, but Tovy is already an existing platform with a lot of similarities. If you don’t mind, what are the key differences in Series?


I love this, I know it’s late but this needs some features:

  • Rate Limits
  • Can’t add a group ID more then once. If already created, you should be able transfer the workspace to a different account.
  • Sign in with OAuth2

This is so cool, but also I think you should make a YouTube tutorial for beginners because there is a pretty significant learning curve, also you should make an option to disable the printing for session and activity tracking, it makes debugging very annoying.


So… guess this is over lol! (chars chars chars chars)


Lol tell me about it, the Domain is for sale :wut: