Hello I’m creating a game not very big, but I have a serious problem of lag on mobile, I’ve an Iphone SE 2020, and every time I have to test the game it tooks at least 900 Mb and some times 1600 Mb of memory, and after 10/15 minutes of use the game start to lag. I maked also my friends play with it , they have at least 4 Gb of RAM (Iphone 12/11 and a Xiaomi 12 T pro) and is the same for all of them. I tried to reduce the detail of the mesh to performance, I tried to change collision from PreciseConvex to Box/Default and also I tried to activate the Streaming Enabled service of workspace, and I also tried to delete scripts but nothing changed, so someone has an idea or some tips or something to help ? cause I see Roblox games like Jailbreak or Adopt Me and they uses 700/900 Mb…
It’s probably a scripting issue, not a Rendering issue because if it lags more after a length of time there’s something wrong in a script.
Can you show the game link so we can test it before?
(More of the times, it’s a issue with scripting or building (rarely is building, but it happens))
okay wait a minute I make it Public
PS: I’m a new Dev so there are things that I don’t know really well
I think it’s maybe a Roblox bug or it was down at the moment.
I tried on my phone (Samsung A20s, 3GB Ram) and it worked really well and it just wasted 400 MBs.
so nothing with lag or something similar ?
Nope, all working totally fine. (and my phone lags a lot with Roblox games, and didn’t in your game)
okay thank u bro , cause we tested it and 3 of us had problems of lag with Iphone…
check the script, sometimes it happens when you use these functions such as: “while loop” or “for i, v in pairs”
when I use for i,v, have I to use a break ?
i dont think so, but try different strategy like put a “debounce” like "if not db the db = true end wait(1) db = false " its up to you
okay thank you man I will try it
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