Game: Server Authoritative Soccer System - Roblox
GitHub: GitHub - Ulldren/server-authoritative-soccer-system
This is a soccer system I made a while ago that I don’t plan to use so I’m just going to release it here.
It uses a forked version of Chickynoid, with ball physics integrated into it.
Here is a video demo of it:
Two player test with simulated 200 ping:
System aside from server auth includes ball curving, goalkeeper lag compensation, and also ball claiming prediction if you shot the ball last which helps with higher ping.
There’s also replicated character leaning and ball rotation.
Placeholder animations I made are provided in the two rigs, not really an animator so they’re not the highest quality.
Keep in mind the code is very messy and uses outdated systems like Knit, so it may not be readable. Isn’t insanely tested for bugs either.
Don’t know if this will be useful to anybody but it’s out there now I guess