Hello Developers! I’m trying to make a script run when all the players say “Done!” like if you say “Done!” a NPC will move, I will now answer these questions.
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I’m trying to make a script run when all the players say “Done!” like if you say “Done!” a NPC will move,
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I tried asking someone but he said me is better creating a topic.
I want do a script run when all the players on the server say “Done!” if all says “Done!” a NPC will move.
This might help, you check the amount of players then if the player said Done! then compare the 2 values. It goes In a PlayerAdded function.
local Chatted = 0
local Players = 0
local function CheckMessage(msg)
local words = string.lower(msg)
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
Player = Player + 1
if words == "Done!" then
Chatted = Chatted + 1
if Chatted == Players then
--stuff here
Nobody really does it like that. Most of the time its done this way:
--- Script to run
Also @Waum_a Most of what @ImTheBuildGuy has said has already been provided. @ImTheBuildGuy please dont post about common script knowlage that everyone will know, make it more specific to the task at hand.
There are pages full of useful information. This is how roblox show how its done:
PCount has not yet been defined.
At the moment PCount will be nil because you haven’t made it a variable.
Meaning PCount when called will be nil because it doesn’t exist.
You will need to do:
local PCount = 0
Before the event (where it says game.Players.PlayerAdded)
Simply hook the function to make the NPC move in a Chatted event for when the player joins.
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local listOfWordsToContinue = {
[1] = "done!", -- MAKE ALL WORDS LOWERCASE.
[2] = "done"
for i = 1, #listOfWordsToContinue do
if (string.lower(message) == listOfWordsToContinue[i]) then
-- Handle NPC here.