Server frame rate (heartbeat) dropping

I have problems detecting why our roblox game is working smoothly but in creator dashboard shows a bad performance. Our game consist in a button that spawns random events/minigames and have other systems that are well scripted to wait for the server to not make it crash

I would like to ask why heartbeat shows big drops when our game is well scripted and the game runs smoothly. Ping in our game is mostly around 150ms. Does anyone know if the problem is in our game or roblox is showing it wrong?

We have tried using task.wait() in all of our looping functions and it just delayed the server but the performance went worse

Something to take in count is that our game works with a lot of Modules scripts but the Modules are only called when a minigame is needed to work

Any idea you have in mind please let me know, it might be useful!


Have you tried checking the individual scripts for performance?

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Yes, everything seems good and we are doing test in game with the dev console and the server is going really good

have you found any solutions yet? im interested

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it could be a script thats doing a lot of server heavy tasks.

look at scripts that use heartbeat loop a lot, disable them temporarily to see if it fixes your lag if it does its probably those scripts.

make sure you don’t have a lot of things connected to the heartbeat either that could cause some lag.

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Nothing yet, we found that some small script were stacking, we fix it but the performance stills the same

I have like 2 module scripts that uses heartbeat, but the heartbeat connections are getting disconnected correclty

I will try it

Check server script usage in the f9 dev console.

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Yeah we try that method, the script usage is great and there no scripts running after minigames

What do you mean ‘great’?
Make sure you check it for long enough. It might just be a single minigame that’s causing performance issues.

A screenshot of the console would be useful, but you can probably check and see if any scripts have more than 8% or so server resource usage.

Have you considered the possibility of remote functions causing the issue? I’m not entirely certain, but I have created a simple obby game and still noticed a drop in the server’s frame rate. I’m perplexed by this since I only utilized remote functions for clients to retrieve data from the server.

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