So I am doing some research on using external stuff particularly ones which allow you to rank people automatically using noblox.js
I’ve gone through some forum posts and tutorials which mentioned Glitch as a hosting service however I also read that people don’t relatively have good experiences using it.
Can someone recommend other, reliable hosting services (Preferably free) ?
If you can also provide a brief explanation of how to use the service that would really help!
My second concern is whether developing such a system can have security vulnerabilities, other than using Roblox Cookies.
Glitch is usually fine; except when it’s down for maintenance or when something happens, which is becoming more common, though they are upgrading their servers to prevent this.
Glitch obviously has its limits: Glitch Limits unless you pay, though their free limits are pretty good.
There’s very few ACTUALLY free services, however.
As for security, set your project to private
and store “secrets” in the .env file.
That would require you to know 2 things Very well (Python is optional but it’s good to know because you might need it):
JavaScript for designing Websites and Discord Bots (Important)
SQL for managing Data (Important)
Python for Discord Bots and Data (Python is optional)
If you know those 2 things very well and have a good understanding of them (It’s good that you know about Python too because you might need it) and how they work then you are ready to host your own websites and do external stuff.
You can try to create your own Website and host it yourself instead of using a server hosting service using JavaScript and SQL for Data and then you can use that Website to store whatever information you want and use a Discord bot to get that information, you can create the discord bot using Discord.js or, Discord.js is for JavaScript and is for Python.
I also had this similar question on hosting services. As far as I know, Amazon does offer a free tier plan for Amazon Web Services on their EC2 services for one year.
You can rank people via Discord with an easy setup and you can have your own branding. DM me Msami#3783 or PM me on the DevFourm for more details. This system doesn’t need to be hosted and you can have your own bot name etc, it’s amazing!
Actually, I’d recommend Google Cloud Platform. You can get $300 worth of GCP credit, applicable to any GCP Product including Compute Engine, a vitrual machine service. You can host on Compute Engine on any tier, and after 1 year, you can edit your VM to the free tier, which has about the same stats as glitch, but you can use custom domains easier. You also usually need to reserve an IP, which is $7.30 a month, and when its attatched to a VM its $0.01/day. Overall, GCP would be the way to go for discord bots, and websites.
If you use it properly and handle it with care, Glitch is a great service. Probably the best free service you’ll find. Other than Glitch, I can’t recommend any other free services.
If you wanna get a cheap PAID vps, then I can personally recommend OVH. They’ve been beyond reliable, and their pricing is great ($3.50/month for the starter plan.) I’ve heard that their support is lacking but I’ve never had to contact their support before, so I can’t comment on that.
Another good paid service (which has a free trial and pay by usage instead of a fixed bill), which I haven’t personally used yet, is Google’s Cloud Platform. They offer a lot more services, and is fairly easy to setup. The only issue with GCP is that you don’t work on a fixed price, so if you accidentally exceed limits you can be paying a lot more than you want to.
@iiRealistic_Dev I see I will try this out. Thank you for the info!
@DevHumor@fireboltofdeath@bryancololee@L3AGLE Thank you all for the info, I think Im going to try out Glitch first though and see whether it is sufficient for what I have in mind.
@msami7893 I want to rank people on a Roblox group not on Discord
If you haven’t realized from the title of the post and the description, you’ll find that hes asking for any reliable hosting services. Google Cloud Platform is one of the free and high quality ones.