Server is acting extremely weird

Hey there! So I was doing a local test for one of my scripts, and for some reason the server was acting extremely weird.

That is the video, as you can see, the client is fine, but the server is acting all weird and wonky. I can see the other people just fine, not as shown in the server. I am trying to to figure out what is going on.

There are no local scripts in what I was making, meaning everything was passed through the server, no actions were made on the client.

I am not sure what could possibly be causing the problem, any help is appreciated :slight_smile:


No one can figure out your problem if you’re not sharing the script. We can’t magically know what you’re doing wrong mate.

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The thing is, the server and the client are showing different things. That should only happen if I used a local scripted and moved the player through the client. The other thing is, I did a local test with 3 players, and all three were showing what the client was showing. So I am wondering if the server is buggy or something. I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with my scripts. I just posted it here because I wasn’t sure which catergory it would best fit in

I haven’t seen the video but based off the description i can assume you’re moving players by their position rather than their CFrame. Always move a character by their CFrame. This most likely happens because the client has control over their character and its physics. To my knowledge, the physics engine uses CFrame math as opposed to Vector3 values.

Thanks. So there was something wrong with my script after all. Why is it that you shouldn’t use position, what causes it to do that?