Server Join by JobId

I don’t understand why people get mad about this, pretty sure you could implement this in your own game and guide the players through your own game instead of going through your place first.
great post!

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Uhm yep, at that time I didn’t.

I didn’t read the comments there too, but in your original it wasn’t.
But anyways, were nice script. It existed already but not open-source

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game.jobid, It’s very simple to do Daniel Magyarorszag!

Only the game developer can access it, but other players can’t properly access it, so this is only useful for developers

Yup, I don’t know why your on the developer fourm & NOT an developer?

I am a developer, and I do make games, I do not know how to get the JobId, that’s it

Yeah so I told you how to do it the hell are you trying to say?

Yes, but you can’t get the job Id of a game you don’t have editing access for, so I find this resource only useful to developers, but I don’t use job ids

OK, I understand but I was telling you how to dude. Once agian this is the Developer fourm I just assumed your an game developer or an talent hub worker.

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Instead of letting it redirect you to your game then ours what stops us from using this code in our own game and replacing the placeid

You can do whatever you want, I put the code so everyone can use it. Feel free to do whatever you want with it :slight_smile:

I assume he was asking how a player playing your game could get the job ID if the developer of the game did not give you the job ID.