Server Join by JobId

Hello developers, welcome to my very first post! Today I made a system that allows you to join a specified server by using a link! :link:

Why did I make it?
First, I made that system because nobody did it before
And I made it so you can join a specified server just using an url!

What can you do with it?
You can make cool systems like a report system where the moderation team have to join a specified server

How to use it? :link:

You just have to enter that link in any browser and follow some steps:[TargetGameId]/[JobId]

Follow these steps:

  • Change [TargetGameId] to your game Id
  • Change [JobId] to the server JobId
  • Youā€™re done!

Warning : DO NOT change ā€œplaceId=16302670534ā€, only change the things I said

Update for people saying ā€œI did not make itā€

I want to clarify that the system I created does not simply involve using the link My system actually allows users to join specific servers by using links containing unique game and server identifiers, known as ā€œTargetGameIdā€ and ā€œJobIdā€. By entering these identifiers into the link, users can conveniently be directed to specific servers. I developed this system to make it easier to access specific servers, and I apologize if this was not clear in my initial post.

Here is how it works:

I made a game and added that script inside ServerScriptService:

local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players")

	local JoinData = Player:GetJoinData().LaunchData

	print("JoinData:", JoinData)

	if JoinData then
		local TargetGameId, JobId = string.match(JoinData, "(%d+)/(.+)")
		print("TargetGameId:", TargetGameId)
		print("JobId:", JobId)

		game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(TargetGameId, JobId, Player)
		Player:Kick("You have joined without the ServerJoin link")

What it does is that when the player join the game it detects the TargetGameId and the JobID and redirects you to the targetServer

I hope you like it! (Let me know if there is a problem)


You did not make that sort of system, You are telling people to use robloxā€™s link, I can tell as it uses, and itā€™s obvious that you didnā€™t own the domain

also do you know how do you get the job id of the server?


Thatā€™ll leave your game into the ā€˜Recentā€™ tab.
And if you join directly, what happens? Sends you to nowhere?

You get the JobID by using game.JobId

No, I made the game that redirects you to a specific server, I did not make the link I only made the game that is using that link to get the informations TargetGameId and JobId. I also updated the post so everyone can understand that.

To make it short: I made a game that redirects you to a specific server using the link:[TargetGameId]/[JobId]
I obvioulsy didnā€™t make that link.

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The place id takes you to this place that you made, you need to change the place id if you want to go to a specific server on a specific place

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I think you still donā€™t understand, IT IS supposed to take you to this place, and then when you are in this place, it teleports you to the TargetGame

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It seems like you did this just to farm visits, it works on any place, not specifically to that place, and that place just gets you greeted with this:


No, it only launch the game if you provided a valid JobID, if not, then it will always load


I think you misunderstood, I made the link teleport you to this place with the information [TargetGameId] and [JobId] to then redirect you to the specified server using its JobId. Roblox doesnā€™t allows you to join a Server using its JobId with an URL, so I made that possible. Sorry if you misunderstood, I will be careful to clarify more how it works

Maybe you want to see the main script of that game? so I can convince you that it works?

Main Script:

local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players")

	local JoinData = Player:GetJoinData().LaunchData

	print("JoinData:", JoinData)

	if JoinData then
		local TargetGameId, JobId = string.match(JoinData, "(%d+)/(.+)")
		print("TargetGameId:", TargetGameId)
		print("JobId:", JobId)

		game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(TargetGameId, JobId, Player)
		Player:Kick("You have joined without the ServerJoin link")
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It just loads infinitely if you directly join the game.

Update: It will now kick you if you directly join

Okay, I agree with you that Iā€™m wrong. But what @GameInspectors said is true.

Also, whatā€™s the main purpose of creating this game? I seriously donā€™t see any use to this. If you want to join a game, just join it properly. If you have a private link, just paste it on the search bar.

Seriously, nowadays the resources tab is just piling up with these stuff. But yeah, Iā€™m sorry for being rude here.

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Hi, first I want to tell you that Iā€™m sorry if you misunderstood how it works, Itā€™s entirely my fault I should have clarified how it works.

To answer you, I created that because roblox doesnā€™t allow you to join a SPECIFIED server with an URL
The only way to join a specified server is to enter this in the console:

Roblox.GameLauncher.joinGameInstance(GAMEID, ā€œJOBIDā€)

So I wanted to make it more simple

I understand, but be sure to be more careful about this. More clarification in the post.

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Thank you for your understanding, have a great day.

This can be very useful for system like a report system, the player can report someone using a report panel, then it will send all the informations including the link to join the server to discord and your moderation team will be able to directly join the server using that system

Sorry, but this is wrong. ER:LC has this feature. But yes, I think thereā€™s no open source version of this.

I donā€™t think it was you. Because itā€™s a Roblox link. Only Roblox can do this there. You found the feature but didnā€™t created it! Correct me when I am wrong. But thank you anyways for showing us this feature. Thank you for this #resources:community-tutorials

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I think you didnā€™t read my postā€¦

I said so many time that I created the game that redirects you to a specific Server, not the link. Please read all before commenting that it is not made by me.

Also, here is a longer answer if you want to know exactly what does that system: My system actually allows users to join specific servers by using links (The link was not made by me, it is a roblox feature) containing unique game and server identifiers that I added at the end of the link , known as ā€œTargetGameIdā€ and ā€œJobIdā€. By entering these identifiers into the link, users can conveniently be directed to specific servers . I developed this system to make it easier to access specific servers. This can be very useful for system like a report system, the player can report someone using a report panel, then it will send all the informations including the link to join the server to discord and your moderation team will be able to directly join the server using that system

Here is how it works:

By entering the link (which was not created by me) where I added the TargetGameId and JobId information, the game named JoinServer System will directly redirect you to the server using its JobId.

Hereā€™s the main script (OpenSource) that I made and placed into the ServerScriptService:

local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players")

	local JoinData = Player:GetJoinData().LaunchData

	print("JoinData:", JoinData)

	if JoinData then
		local TargetGameId, JobId = string.match(JoinData, "(%d+)/(.+)")
		print("TargetGameId:", TargetGameId)
		print("JobId:", JobId)

		game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(TargetGameId, JobId, Player)
		Player:Kick("You have joined without the ServerJoin link")

Basically, I made the link teleport you to this place with the information [TargetGameId] and [JobId] to then redirect you to the specified server using its JobId. Roblox doesnā€™t allows you to join a Server using its JobId with an URL, so I made that possible.

Would you like me to make a video to understand it?

Is there a way to join through a JobId on the website?

No, thatā€™s why I made this thing. There are maybe some extensions to do that but I canā€™t recommand them since some of them can have malicious code that would steal your account.

The only way to join a roblox server using its JobID is to use my system or just paste that in the console:

Roblox.GameLauncher.joinGameInstance(GAMEID, ā€œJOBIDā€)

You can also put that script in a game to teleport people to a server:
game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(TargetGameId, JobId, Player)

(Correct me if Iā€™m wrong)

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