Server modified ModuleScript broadcasted to Clients

Is there a way to broadcast a ModuleScript’s contents to all clients, assuming the server modified it without the usage of Remotes? Remotes would not be effective here, as the Modules in question are updating every second, and I’d imagine that’d cause problems once the server exceeds a certain number of players.

As is, modifications to a remote by the Server will not broadcast the changes to all clients. This means that Data stored in a ModuleScript is one-sided, which is different from what I need.

Well, I was dealing with a similar issue a while back, and the only solution was to either use remote events or remote functions.
I’m not sure whether it is a bug or not, but you can’t replicate module script data without using an event.
Try to lower the rate of the updates, and send as little data through the event as possible, otherwise just use a different method of storing data that doesn’t require a modulescript.