Server Region Prioritization in Access Settings for Lower Ping

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too difficult to ensure players are matched to low-ping servers, especially in games or sub-places with lower player counts (e.g., 30-40 players). For example, during European playtimes, there are often only USA servers available (e.g., 2 USA servers, 0 European servers. 0 Asian Servers). This leads to 50% of the players, mostly from Europe, experiencing high ping and gameplay issues.

If Roblox is able to address this, it would improve my development experience because it would ensure players are placed in servers closer to their region, reducing ping and improving gameplay.

Proposed Feature:

  • Add a “Prioritize Server Region/ Regional Matching / Prefer Low Ping” option in the Access Settings, allowing developers to prioritize matching players to servers near their location.

Here’s an example of what it could look like:

This would prevent European and Asian players from being placed in distant USA servers during their active play hours, as seen in this clip:


Note: This does not always happen. For example, today there is a USA server (Left) and a France server (right) in our Pro Lobby, but my friends from Europe are still being placed in the USA server for some reason:


Note 2: What if players could decide, before being assigned to a server in a sub-place, whether they want to join their friends or join a server closer to them (or both, if possible)? What if there was a built-in server selection feature? :thinking:


This would probably complicate the joining process, which Roblox likely wouldn’t want, as it would confuse Roblox’s younger playerbase. It would make sense to expose such an option to developers, however.

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Yeah, maybe it could also be toggled in the Access Settings. For example, it could be enabled only for Pro Lobbies, where players who have progressed further can showcase their skills. If no friends are available, it could automatically assign them to a nearby regional server, skipping the prompt to ‘join friends’ or prioritize low ping. Similarly, it could skip the prompt if your friends are already in a low ping server. By limiting this feature to, for example, Pro Lobbies (with developers deciding where it’s active), it would eliminate any confusion for new players.

Roblox would need to implement this, as there’s currently no way to guarantee reserving a server in a specific region, which would theoretically give developers full control over that.

So Roblox could theoretically also add the ability to reserve servers in specific regions, which has already been requested years ago, and leave it up to the developers to make use of that feature. This would allow devs to have full control over server assignments.

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