Server rig spawns in floor

I have a script that is supposed to spawn a rig handled by the server (not a player’s character)
Most of the time, The rig is good and on the ground properly. However, Sometimes the rig will be in the ground and not come back up, they will just stay in the ground.
Examples (the rig is a custom rig, not an actual R6 rig by the way. these are just examples)
How it should be:

Sometimes it will be like this:
And sometimes it will be like this:

So basically it will sometimes ignore the hipheight, or just completely ignore the humanoid root part

The rig is not anchored. I have tried stuff like disabling AutomaticScalingEnabled. But it didn’t change anything. also, Every limb in the rig except for the Torso and HumanoidRootPart have CanCollide off. I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it but might as well put this here.

I would like for the rig to always be on the ground and not be in the ground.

I’m really not sure how i could fix this, as it really bothers me. If anyone can help, that would be very appreciated!

Where is your spawn script putting the rig, and what are you using (CFrame, MoveTo, etc.)?
If you’re CFraming it on the floor surface Position then you’re forcing the rig to spawn in at the Model’s center.

A Humanoid may pop up above the surface most times, but can become stuck in the floor.

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Using CFrame on the HRP.

What should i do to make sure it always pop up above the surface?

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Instead of spawning it at the surface (the rig HRP centered at the height of the floor surface) add 2.5 studs to the Y value (or whatever height the HRP stands above the ground).

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This would be the Humanoid’s HipHeight, right?

HipHeight is typically the bottom of the HRP.

Put your rig model on the baseplate.
Get the CFrame Y value of the HRP.
CFrame the model that high above the baseplate surface, not the baseplate Y Position.
Basically the baseplate’s CFrame Y Position + 1/2 the height of the baseplate, + the height of the Humanoid CFrame Position.

Try experimenting with it! You’ll learn better than just me guessing what you should try.