Server Status Script

Hello, how can I make a script to know the server status:

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Currently, I don’t know if that can be scripted, but it can manully changed…

You could use messaging service


You could use a modulescript required by id and have a value on the server with the servers current version. Compare the current version of the server with the version in the modulescript and simply update the value in the modulescript and publish it to change the latest version.


Or you could use and see if its the latest.

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Make a website on (you must sign up) then make a script that gets data from that using :GetAsync then you can update it every update or so without having to update the entire game

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How would you know what the latest version is for the current server? PlaceVersion determines the current version of the place the server is using, so how would you get the latest version? GetLatestAssetVersionAsync from InsertService maybe, was this what you were thinking?

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