Server thinks stringvalue.value from client is a player

i’m making a game where you get a random letter on the client and arent able to say it in chat and i want to make an overhead gui that shows the letter you cant say for other players on the server

im just gonna explain simply, i send a fireserver with the stringvalue.value (which is in replicatedstorage) from the client to the server which gets the stringvalue.value and puts it on the text on the overhead gui

ive done some printing and messing around and im 100% sure that the server thinks the stringvalue.value is the player (output said player name and stuff)

it also gives me an error to prove it more which says

Unable to assign property Value. string expected, got Instance  

and of course, players are an instance

how do i fix this

It’s difficult to help you without seeing any of your code but when your using fireserver are you sending the player and then the stringvalue? fireserver automatically sends the player so you would only send the stringvalue:

MyRemote:FireServer(Player, StringValue) -- Wrong
MyRemote:FireServer(StringValue) -- Correct
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sorry for not showing the code by the way

heres the full client

local lettervalue = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Letter
local letterhead = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").letterhead

repeat wait(2)

until lettervalue.Value ~= ""

print(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name.." for client cant say "..lettervalue.Value)


and the server

local gui = game:GetService("ServerStorage").CantSay
local letterhead = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").letterhead

		local clonegui = gui:Clone()
		clonegui.Parent = player.Character.Head
		clonegui.Text.Text = "Can't say: "..lettervalue
		print(player.Name.." for server cant say "..lettervalue)

error message also comes along at the clonegui.text.text part saying
ServerScriptService.Overhead:9: attempt to concatenate string with Instance
instance seeming to be the player

should be

letterhead.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, lettervalue)

First parameter of OnServerEvent is the Player that fired it.
So really, you don’t need it wrapped inside the PlayerAdded call as you get the player from the ServerEvent anyway.

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alright, ill try that and give you an update

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lets goo it works! thank you so much

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