Server to client replication problem

Hello, I am trying to create an atm system that when it is hit, it will drop money.

The problem is as follows, when cloning a part/mesh in my atm component in roblox studio, this part is only visible through the server view, however in roblox player it is visible to both, not sure why this error occurs and if it is a problem of mine or roblox

I have already tried to call the function that clones this part in different ways, I have called it using coroutines, task.delay, even creating a class, among others but it still gives the same problem, it only becomes visible if I call it directly as soon as the component starts

I am using the “Component” module from RbxUtil

function Atm:DropMoney()
    -- Money(self.Instance.PrimaryPart.Position +, 2.143, -1.174))
    local Money = self.StacksMoney:Clone()
    Money.Position = self.Instance.PrimaryPart.Position +, 2.143, -1.174)
    Money.Parent = game.Workspace

function Atm:Start()
    -- task.wait(5) -- if I make it wait x time before creating the part it is no longer visible

Server view

Client view