Server UntrackedMemory goes up when players join

My UntrackedMemory on the server goes up about 2mb every time someone joins. What could be causing this permanent data to stick around.

I have thoroughly checked ever script. Any table once it is done with being used is set to nil, every connection not needed anymore is disconnected, and no, is used in my code.

I am genuinely lost here. If anyone has any recommendations as what to look at im open ears.

If you’re sure it’s not an issue with your script, consider it might be a roblox engine issue? Have you tried an empty baseplate and seeing if the issue remains?

So I just checked and yes it even happens on an empty baseplate. no scripts or anything. Isnt that terrible and going to shutdown any servers open to long?

it’s common practice to shut down servers that are over 2 - 8 hours old, that’s why.

I guess that must be it then is there a way to do this in game?

a way to shut down game? well I think you could manually close the game, but normally we just iterate through the players and :kick() each of them.

I dont know this still seems a little strange that untracked memory would be going up 6mb whenever a player joins. Should i report a bug to roblox?

So I am still having this issue even with all scripts Disabled in game. I use Data store 2 with my game. is it a possibility that it is coming from that?

Actually, it’s entirely possible. I don’t think it is, but it could be. Datastore 2 uses a ton more than datastore, and that’s how it works. It uses lots of different datastore keys for the information, so it has backups and doesnt get lost. But I suggest looking into it as a roblox issue, if it happens on an empty baseplate. Also studio isnt a good indication, because in studio, the server is your computer. Keep in mind, servers are all computers too, so it could just be extra memory used for the player that joined.