Server vs Client Hit Detection

Which is the Best Method of Hit Detection for using “.Touched”

Is it Client Hit Detection or Server Hit Detection?

I am using Client Hit Detection because the server hit detection was acting weird for me.

May I have feedback on this? If you have any other hit detection methods that are very good , then feel free to also send your feedback too as well!

Well the thing about this is the server won’t recognize anything you’re doing client side unless you’re using a remote event and firing all clients. Even then you’ll have problems such as if you’re doing damage to another player the health will take away client side, but it’ll be like it never happened server side. It’s best just to stick with the server. If you’re having trouble detecting hit boxes you may need to try several other methods of detection instead of touched such as region3, raycasting, or magnitude. Or even a combination of them. Of course if you’re making a single player game that doesn’t require a lot of players I don’t think it really matters. It’s tbh best to judge it case by case.

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Server hit detection is the most secure method, but you say it acting weird. Can you show it?

Sure I can! Here it is

A Video I took a long time ago using the server detection!

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This is a Video Of Me Using Client Hit Detection , then Sending the hit to the server to check the distance (If they are close) then if they are , it will do damage!


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