Servers are randomly suddenly closed with all users recieving an Error 288 disconnect message at an increasing frequency


Over the past 3-5 days, my team i who are working on SCI - Pathos-III have experienced a massive surge in unexplained random server shutdowns (as indicated by client logs and disconnect message) occuring at an increasing frequency - with at least 7 such occurances in the past few hours alone. All have shared the same disconnect code - 288 - indicating a server shutdown.

No developer-triggered shutdowns have occured since the 2nd of the month according to activity logs on the experience linked above.

As a result of the massive disruptions caused by this in our experience, which relies upon long-lasting player interactions, our game has been rendered nearly unplayable as a direct impact of this issue. Unfortunately, despite my efforts to diagnose the cause of this issue, I cannot find a reliable cause with my currently available information. There are certain suspect entries in our error logs, but none provide any data we can use (i.e. HTTP errors with causes given as “Unknown”).

Expected behavior

The server should not arbitrarily and randomly shut down with either no information or incorrect information provided as to the cause of the occurance.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Interestingly, server memory consumption rapidly increases as a crash approaches, as seen here:

This, however, appears to be a sudden exponential increase - usually after we reach/exceed 100 concurrent players in a server. Further information, and a client log, has been provided in the private message to staff on this data.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

Dang, so sorry this slipped through the cracks! Have you had any problem since then?

Ok - let us know if it keeps happening!

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