Servers Disconnecting

I want my servers to stop crashing. I’m not sure what the cause of this issue is could be yet. Me and my dev partner have spent countless hours trying to resolve this issue. We believe it is a memory leak but we are not yet sure how to fix this. As we’ve tried multiple attempts to solve it

Our game is:

It has really split our game playtime in half and decreased our profit. Our server memory has been going up to 700 and rising then eventually it disconnects all clients and gives error code 277. We tried changing our Lighting Technology graphics and nothing changed. We revamped all of our serverside code and there has been no change.

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Is there perhaps any plug-ins either of you are using that could possibly be a virus affecting your game?

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It is likely a malicious plugin or free model.

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You either have a memory leak, or a virus is causing a memory leak. Or an exploiter somehow has illegal access to the server, and causes a memory leak.

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No we dont have any free models or plugins

What does the Developer Console look like? It does show memory usage… is one of the numbers not normal?

Untracked memory is awfully high im not sure

Any massive loops , many parts ,free models or plugins affecting the game?

The game might be taking up memory?

Try this turn down the quality level