Servers in my game are going into slow mode. How to fix the lag?

Im currently making a game named Hand Sign Legacy.
I am trying to remove lag from my game.

Almost all servers go into slow mode and i dont know why.

There is no unanchored parts
I removed every inf loop and tried to make my scripts as fast as possible and the servers still going slow mode.

I heard that i can see whats causing lag by viewing at console but i dont understand info that i see there.

How can i fix the lag?


You can use MicroProfiler to debug your game performance.

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ok, I will try to use MicroProfiler.


I tried and it seems like graphics and preparing is the problem?
The lines are above middle which is not normal.
I still dont really understand what is causing lag
Can someone explain it?

Also im not going to reply since im going to sleep

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I don’t know how that is possible because a slow server is present only for Studio Team Create.

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here is a better image
I took it 10 mins away

I removed all wait() in my scripts to make them more faster

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Could you send me your game link?

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Just removing waits won’t do, you need to experiment with StreamingEnabled and find the right configurations

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Hand Sign Legacy link

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Thats why i asked for help bc i dont know how to

Also im using some modules like FastCast, RaycastHitboxv4. Maybe they are causing lag?

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No they don’t cause lag. Research on the Wiki on how to optimize a game, you can find a lot.

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Does fastCast set network ownership?

I searched up for some posts on how to increase performance and here’s a result:

Also make sure Content Streaming is on, and do some researches.