Service emails have clicktracking enabled on the links that are blocked by adblockers

When a security event happens on your DevEx portal account (e.g. you change your details) you get security notifications over email for that which is great.

I notice all the links in these emails are based on which indicates clicktracking was enabled in the email sending provider.

Clicktracking is relevant for marketing emails or call to action emails. It is not appropriate for security/service emails. It should be disabled for these emails.

Moreover, most adblocker/privacy extensions actually hard-block following because presumably it is normally used for advertising/marketing and not for purposes like this.

This is in relation to (at least) the emails titled Contact or payment details have been changed.


This happens for every email received from, it seems to be embedded into the source HTML for every URL is baked into

<p dir="ltr">
    <span>If you have not authorized this change, please contact us via the&nbsp;</span>
    <a href="">Roblox Support Form</a>
    <span>&nbsp;immediately and provide a brief description of the issue.</span>

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Yep, noticed that as well. Most likely just AWS tracking percentage of people who clicked the link. They should be able to disable it on AWS.

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