Servo motors follow mouse

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    How would I make 2 servo motors make this turret thing point at somewhere like my mouse?

turret thing

Turn the base by using CFrame.lookAt but ignoring the Y difference between the base and target. Then turn the top part by doing the same, except combine the X and Z difference into a radius (.Magnitude) along the -Z axis.

I’m not that good at scripting, so could you like tell me how I ignore the axis things or script it?

You can smash any vector to be flat along a certain axis by doing this: flatVector = myVector - ignoreAxis * ignoreAxis:Dot(myVector) Where ignoreAxis can be any length 1 vector such as Vector3.yAxis

I don’t really understand, could you make like an example script :sweat_smile:

myVec * (Vector3.xAxis + Vector3.yAxis) : Vector flattened in Z plane
myVec - myVec:Dot(otherVec) * otherVec : Vector flattened in plane normal to otherVec (otherVec must be length 1)