I am attempting to write code that takes a set of nodes and creates a skinned mesh of a road between the nodes. As you can see in the code I am setting the Bones starting cframe’s and ending bones cframe however in the photo below it doesnt set the size or skinned mesh correctly at all.
for _,segment in workspace.Roads["Bakersfield Tehachapi Highway"]:GetChildren() do
if segment.Name == "Part" then continue end
if workspace.Roads["Bakersfield Tehachapi Highway"]:FindFirstChild(tonumber(segment.Name) + 1) then
local segmentMesh = game.ServerScriptService.RoadSegment:Clone()
segmentMesh.Parent = workspace.RoadMeshes
segmentMesh.Cube.Bone.Transform = segment.CFrame
segmentMesh.Cube.Bone002.Bone004.Transform = workspace.Roads["Bakersfield Tehachapi Highway"]:FindFirstChild(tonumber(segment.Name) + 1).CFrame