:SetAttribute() not setting it's value correctly

Hi ya! I’m sorry if there is a simple fix to this, but I’ve just been trying to figure out why it’s broken for hours on end. I’m not sure if this is a studio bug or just an error on my part.

  1. I’m making a voting system, with game mode and map voting. (I won’t include all code, just code related to the error)

  2. When the game is setting attributes inside ReplicatedStorage. That contains the mapName/GamemodeName and Vote Number. Whenever I with the :SetAttribute() it creates a brand new Attribute, but it doesn’t load the value that it’s passed in with.

  3. I’ve been looking through the devForum, videos reading over the Attributes APIs. I can’t manage to find a reason for why this is happening.

Module Script

local votingModule = {}

-- Services
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local serverStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

local mapsFolder = serverStorage.Maps -- Where the maps are stored
local gamemodesFolder = serverStorage.Gamemodes -- Where the gamemode parameters are stored.
local roundObjects = replicatedStorage.RoundObjects
local votingFolder = roundObjects.Voting

local map1 = votingFolder:WaitForChild("Map1")
local map2 = votingFolder:WaitForChild("Map2")
local map3 = votingFolder:WaitForChild("Map3")
local gamemode1 = votingFolder:WaitForChild("Gamemode1")
local gamemode2 = votingFolder:WaitForChild("Gamemode2")
local gamemode3 = votingFolder:WaitForChild("Gamemode3")

function votingModule.RandomiseMaps_Gamemodes()
	-- gets the data tables
	local gamemodeList = gamemodesFolder:GetChildren() -- returns a table of all current gamemodes in the game
	local mapList = mapsFolder:GetChildren() -- returns a table of all the current maps in the game
	-- chooses the 3 maps & gamemodes
	local chosenMap1 = mapList[math.random(1, #mapList)]
	local chosenMap2 = mapList[math.random(1, #mapList)]
	local chosenMap3 = mapList[math.random(1, #mapList)]
	local chosenGamemode1 = gamemodeList[math.random(1, #gamemodeList)]
	local chosenGamemode2 = gamemodeList[math.random(1, #gamemodeList)]
	local chosenGamemode3 = gamemodeList[math.random(1, #gamemodeList)]
	-- makes sure the chosen maps are all different
		chosenMap2 = mapList[math.random(1, #mapList)]
	until chosenMap2 ~= chosenMap1 -- Repeats until chosenMap2 is NOT equal to 
		chosenMap3 = mapList[math.random(1, #mapList)]
	until chosenMap3 ~= chosenMap1 and chosenMap3 ~= chosenMap2 -- Repeats until chosenMap2 is NOT equal to 
	-- makes sure all the chosen gamemodes are all different
		chosenGamemode2 = gamemodeList[math.random(1, #gamemodeList)]
	until chosenGamemode2 ~= chosenGamemode1 -- Repeats until chosenGamemode2 is NOT equal to 

		chosenGamemode3 = gamemodeList[math.random(1, #gamemodeList)]
	until chosenGamemode3 ~= chosenGamemode1 and chosenGamemode3 ~= chosenGamemode2 -- Repeats until chosenMap2 is NOT equal to 

	print("--------- SELETED MAPS ---------")

	print("--------- SELETED GAMEMODES ---------")

	-- Sets all the mapName Attributes to the correct names
	map1:SetAttribute("MapName", chosenMap1.Name)
	map2:SetAttribute("MapName", chosenMap2.Name)
	map3:SetAttribute("MapName", chosenMap3.Name)
	print("Set MapNames")
	-- Sets all the gamemodeName Attributes to the correct names
	gamemode1:SetAttribute("GamemodeName", chosenGamemode1.Value)
	gamemode2:SetAttribute("GamemodeName", chosenGamemode2.Value)
	gamemode3:SetAttribute("GamemodeName", chosenGamemode3.Value)
	print("Set GamemodeNames")
	-- Sets all the VoteCoumt Attributes to 0 (Just to be safe)
	map1:SetAttribute("VoteCount", 0)
	map2:SetAttribute("VoteCount", 0)
	map3:SetAttribute("VoteCount", 0)
	-- Sets all the VoteCoumt Attributes to 0 (Just to be safe)
	gamemode1:SetAttribute("VoteCount", 0)
	gamemode2:SetAttribute("VoteCount", 0)
	gamemode3:SetAttribute("VoteCount", 0)

	return true


-- Services
local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

-- Module Scripts
local votingModule = require(ServerScriptService.Game_VotingManager.VotingModule)

-- Folders
local roundObjects = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RoundObjects")


	local debounce_Vote = false

	if roundObjects:GetAttribute("InRound") == true then -- A round is currently Active

	elseif roundObjects:GetAttribute("InRound") == false then -- No Round is currently Active
			local votingCheck = votingModule.RandomiseMaps_Gamemodes()


In the module script, all the print statements are fired. But the :SetAttribute() never fills in it’s value. After it’s like chosenMap1/chosenGamemode1 I’ve tried .Value, .Name, nothing but it still doesn’t work. I’m sorry if this is the wrong section, or I’ve made a really simple error. I also have this same problem in my other project

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First try making a variable with :GetAttribute()?

Something like local Gamemode3Votes = gamemode3:GetAttribute("Gamemode3")

It creates the Attribute. It just doesn’t load in the Value

Before Playing/Testing


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It looks like you’re setting GamemodeName to an empty string. What is the value of chosenGamemode1.Value?

I’m using a print statement, but it yields nothing. However, when I am printing the mapName it errors: Value is not a valid member of Folder “ServerStorage.Maps.Airport”

Then I am guessing the string value you are using for each game mode hasn’t been set correctly which is why it prints nothing. As for the map name, this sounds like something separate.