What do you want to achieve? Fix an issue I’m having with SetNetworkOwner()
What is the issue? For some reason, my NPCs break when I use SetNetworkOwner on them. I use SetNetworkOwner to avoid delay in calculating the velocity for the NPCs to ragdoll.
Unfortunately, when using SetNetworkOwner, it makes the NPCs… fly away???
After I shoot the enemy it should just ragdoll on the ground, but instead when using SetNetworkOwner, ragdolls, but then just moves directly upward, forever. When I remove the line of code that sets the NetworkOwner, it works normally, though has a delay, which SetNetworkOwner fixes.
It should just do this:
The code I use to SetNetworkOwner is the following:
local Descendants = Char:GetDescendants()
for i = 1, #Descendants do
local Descendant = Descendants[i]
if Descendant:IsA(“BasePart”) then