SetPrimaryPartCFrame() and MoveTo() not working for some reason

Hey Devs, for some reason nor MoveTo() is working and nor SetPrimaryPartCFrame() function is working either. It’s not giving me any error too and I tried printing out after the MoveTo() line and it still printed out. The functions themself aren’t working any help?

Try doing

character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = tycoon.TycoonBase.CFrame +,5,0)

Also, not sure what’s up with the move to. Also, check when the character is added, if there’s a primaryPart set for the Character Model, just for debug purposes.

Oh wow, I added a wait() before the actual character moving process and it somehow worked.
Seems like, the game hasn’t added the PrimaryPart yet.

Ah, makes sense. Sometimes scripts are too fast, lol.

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