Setting a custom bubble chat for only one person

Hello! Today I wanted to give a special bubble chat additions for some players, but I don’t know how with the new bubble chat (Chat.BubbleChatEnabled) I tried a local remote event, but others also had the custom bubble on client I fired to and others saw the normal bubble chat,
Any help is welcome!

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You Could use some sorta of check like
The player who clicked the Button will have CustomChat = true

Then when the custom chat will be enabled will check to every player if in LocalPlayer or ModelPlayer has the BoolValue on true, then If true the chat will be changed for players:FindFiratChild(PlayerName)

I Guess something like this Could work but i never scripted something with chats

Maybe this Could help?

Sadly, that is the old bubble chat while I’m using the new one, and I can’t find any tutorials on that

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