Hi, I’m working on a tycoon framework to easily build on. Adding money doesn’t work and removing money does, the difference between them is one operator.
The value doesn’t get set anywhere else in my script, only in these module functions.
10:22:28.057 Selling part for 200 - Server - Sell on touch:6
10:22:28.057 Adding money to tycoon - Server - Money:42
10:22:28.057 x: 6000 y: 200 - Server - Money:43
10:22:28.058 Total: 6200 - Server - Money:45
My module script for money value’s and editting (the cash worth of each tycoon is set with an attribute and synced with a loop to the leaderstats)
local money = {}
local function tycoonTable()
local tycoon = {}
for _, v in pairs(workspace.Tycoons:GetChildren()) do
table.insert(tycoon, v)
return tycoon
money.getMoney = function(x: Part | Folder)
local blacklist = {
["Workspace"] = true,
["game"] = true,
["Tycoons"] = true,
["nil"] = true
while x do
if blacklist[x.Name] then
return nil
if table.find(tycoonTable(), x) then
return x:GetAttribute("Cash")
x = x.Parent
return nil -- found nothing
money.removeMoney = function(x: any, y: any)
if money.getMoney(x) then
x:SetAttribute("Cash", money.getMoney(x) - y)
warn("Failed to get the player's money")
money.addMoney = function(x: any, y: any)
if money.getMoney(x) then
print("Adding money to tycoon")
print("x: "..money.getMoney(x), "y: "..y)
x:SetAttribute("Cash", (money.getMoney(x) + y)) -- this is not a breakpoint this is my breaking point.
print("Total: "..x:GetAttribute("Cash")) -- actually gets added but also doesn't
warn("Failed to get the player's money")
return money
A video of what I mean with it not actually adding / getting reset.
The only difference between your print (which shows the correct total) and your values not saving is that for 1 youre using getattribute / setattribute but for the other youre using your own getmoney function. For that reason I suspect the issue is within that function, maybe its getting the money of the wrong part? Try printing the names of the parts being parsed into getmoney to make sure its the same one youre setting the attribute of.
money.addMoney = function(x: any, y: any)
local currentMoney = money.getMoney(x)
if currentMoney ~= nil then
x:SetAttribute("Cash", currentMoney + y)
warn("Failed to get the player's money")
Start putting prints down of them values to show where you’re going wrong.
Also in realtime follow it in the Studio, checking the Attribute.
part:SetAttribute(“Example”, nil) – Removes the attribute
A nil in there is like a delete command.
These parts in this folder … is every one set up with the Attribute correctly…
I don’t see how it could index the wrong Cash value, since it just returns the tycoon that is an descendant from.
My editted logging:
money.getMoney = function(x: Part | Folder)
-- Returns the money of the tycoon
-- returns nil if it's not a tycoon / not found
local blacklist = {
["Workspace"] = true,
["game"] = true,
["Tycoons"] = true,
["nil"] = true
local indexes = {}
while x do
if blacklist[x.Name] then
return nil
table.insert(indexes, x)
if table.find(tycoonTable(), x) then
return x:GetAttribute("Cash")
x = x.Parent
return nil -- found nothing
Your money.addMoney function seems perfectly fine, but it’s the arguments that you pass that are incorrect.
When you called the money.removeMoney function, you passed the arguments tycoon and cost, which means you set the tycoon’s Cash attribute to the tycoon’s Cash attribute value minus the cost. But when you called the money.addMoney function, you passed the sell cube and the sell cube’s Worth attribute value as arguments, which means you set the sell cube’s Cash attribute to the tycoon’s Cash attribute value plus the sell cube’s Worth attribute value. To fix this problem, pass the tycoon as the first argument.
getMoney automatically gets the tycoon’s folder by going up each time by one util it has gone into nil or game. And yes this function works because I tested it with print statements
Yeah so my system works that the dropper drops a part with an attribute for worth, and getMoney returns the tycoon’s cash attribute value which is called inside of addMoney.
Otherwise my print statements would return nil:
money.addMoney = function(x: any, y: any)
local currentMoney = money.getMoney(x)
if currentMoney ~= nil then
print("Adding money to tycoon")
print("x: "..money.getMoney(x), "y: "..y)
x:SetAttribute("Cash", (money.getMoney(x) + y)) -- this is not a breakpoint this is my breaking point.
print("Total: "..x:GetAttribute("Cash")) -- actually gets added but also doesn't change it
warn("Failed to get the player's money")
I fixed my issue by checking x which turned out to be the part itself rather than my tycoon. I was changing the money for x not getting the tycoon with my getMoney function.