Setting Animation Weight/Speed to 0 stops it?

I’m using a system of animations to speed up workflow and shorten code, but all ive been getting is more problems. Worst of those problems, is the weight and speed mechanics for animations. I’ve tried different methods and all of them are horribly hacky and make me feel gross.


Message to Roblox:
Stop automating things, let us do the work ourselves or at least have the option of doing so.


I personally think the weight and speed mechanic are fine, It’s not that difficult to AdjustSpeed and AdjustWeight, they also have neat animation blending by just placing numbers in the parameters for playing and stoping.

Ps. This isn’t the place to post complaints or scripting support… this is creation feedback.

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thanks for the heads-up i was kinda kerfuffled upon making this post. To what you said though, I agree. A lot of good features compared to previous versions, but it sucks that i have to automate some things myself because of hard-coded features that disable things assuming i wont need them.