Setting AnimationTrack.AnimationPriority is broken

Apparently this has been reported a number of times previously but has not been addressed yet. Setting an animation’s priority in code just seems to not work at all. Since this cannot be done with code, and we have a game that we are trying to refactor for a big update, we have to manually change the animation priorities for over 450 animations.

local animationTrack = character.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(animationInstance)
animationTrack.AnimationPriority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action

This will not successfully set animationTrack’s priority to Action. I have tried verifying this. If I set the animation’s priority and print it, it will print:
“02:35:36.650 Enum.AnimationPriority.Action - Client - ClientCharacter:3295”

and then if I try playing the animation a few seconds later, it will print its current priority setting as:
“02:36:41.384 Enum.AnimationPriority.Movement - Client - Rifle_Semiauto:430”


Same problem here also :melting_face:, they need to fix real quick


Try Play first and then set Priority. Because Play() resets everything set to default.

AnimTrack.Priority= Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
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