Setting Assembly Linear/Angular of recently streamed-in assets gives broken warning

Setting assembly linear/angular velocity of assets that have been recently streamed in seems to trigger a warning where it claims that the assembly part is not a descendant of workspace yet. After some testing, this is untrue, the parts are absolutely part of workspace. It seems like an internal engine issue is at play here.

I’ve been noticing these warnings having been popping up quite recently in the error analytics, so it’s a relatively new issue.


We’ve been seeing this warning a bunch in Tropical Resort Tycoon 2 🌴 - Roblox too - seems to have started more or less exactly 24 hours ago. Our game is also streaming enabled and shouldn’t be setting this property at all for parts outside of Workspace.


Thanks for the report! We’ll let you know when we have an update for you on this.

I think the warning was added recently, I got it the first time yesterday on a game that did not use Streaming. I believe it is correct though: I was setting the velocity of a part before parenting it due to this:

, but the part that I spawned would seemingly just fall without shooting out (it was meant to be a bullet casing).

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Hello! Just wanted to circle back on this issue to say that we’ve opted to permanently remove this warning in favor of fixing the underlying issue where we found cases where AssemblyLinearVelocity and AssemblyAngularVelocity weren’t properly being set for parts either not in the workspace or loaded into the world yet.

This warning shouldn’t ever come up again, but please let us know if you still see cases where setting AssemblyLinearVelocity or AssemblyAngularVelocity before a part is in the world produces unexpected behavior!

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