Setting Beam ZIndex or Equivalent


I’m trying to create a similar aiming mechanism to this picture:
Screenshot 2024-08-15 132034

I’ve gotten most of that down, resulting in my tool here:
Screenshot 2024-08-15 132127

My issue is trying to change the ZIndex of the beams. I know beams do not have this specific property, but is there a way to achieve the same outcome so that beams always have what is functionally a higher ZIndex than all parts? I’m guessing an alternative would be to turn this into a screengui component so that I can actually play with ZIndex, but that seems more difficult.

Any thoughts?


Beams don’t have an AlwaysOnTop property so you wouldn’t be able to overlay them such that they always render on top of a part. You could maybe use a SurfaceGui instead which would give you that sort of flexibility


This worked out decent, thanks!

robloxapp-20240815-1645139.wmv (1.3 MB)

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