Setting Date Range to "1 Day" on Funnels Not Working

The link needs to be changed to a valid game ID of course.

If the Date Range is selected to “Last 1 Day” then it defaults to showing the last 30 days instead. The selection box also shows Last 30 Days instead. The URL retains the correct “rangeType” of “Last1Day” though. Refreshing does not fix it.

Expected behavior

The last day of funnel data should be shown, not the last 30 days.

Page URL:{id}/analytics/funnels?rangeType=Last1Day


This is also occurring on the Economy tab, adjacent to the Funnels tab. My assumption is that any “Last 1 Day” selections across the board are bugged out at the moment.

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I also wanna note even tho it’s not a option. You are able to view the stats last 60 and 90 days when entering it in the URL while it’s not a option

I am guessing last 1 day wasn’t suppose to get added and 60 and 90 were forgotten

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Hi all, we decided to hide last 1 day option. Let us know if you have more questions.

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Thanks for the info! Are there plans to bring it back at all, or is it permanently removed?