Setting NPC Massless to true causes stuttering on the client

As said in the title, if an NPC’s body is set to massless on the server, it momentarily stutters from the client’s POV.

This is a problem for me because in order to use LinearVelocities (used for special abilities e.g. dashes, double jumps) I make the target massless to prevent the massive difference in force application between grounded and aerial humanoids.

As I cannot post in #bug-reports, I’ve come here for advice on any workarounds or different tools I can apply to prevent this from happening.

For anyone who’s interested in replicating this, the following is all you need to do:
Make a new place.
Create a new rig (I used blocky but any should work), leave it named “Rig”.
Paste the following into a script in ServerScriptService, and then press play:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local Rig = workspace.Rig
local Rig_Humanoid = Rig.Humanoid

local Delta_Count = 0
local Second_Timer = 1
local Third_Timer = 0.75
local Massless_Count = false
	Delta_Count += Delta
	if Delta_Count > Second_Timer then
		Second_Timer += 1
		Rig_Humanoid:MoveTo(, 50), 0, math.random(1, 50)))
	if Delta_Count > Third_Timer then
		if Massless_Count == false then
			print("Setting massless now")
		Third_Timer += 0.25
		for _, Object in Rig:GetDescendants() do
			if Object:IsA("BasePart") then
				Object.Massless = not(Massless_Count)
		Massless_Count = not(Massless_Count)