Hello so basically im trying to make a zone system in which u can buy the first zone and by buying it, a boolean’s value is set to true, the problem is that it doesn’t work for some reason:
local script inside a proximity prompt:
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local leadestats = plr:WaitForChildChild("leaderstats")
local goldStats = leadestats and leadestats:WaitForChild("Cash")
plr:FindFirstChild("test").BoolValue.Value = true
You’re going to have to do it on the server to set the BoolValue to true, use remote events here’s an example.
local RemoteEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvent -- # Change this to wherever you store your remotes/current remotes
local cashRequired = 0 -- # Change this to cash required
if player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitaForChild("Cash").Value >= cashRequired then
player:WaitForChild("test"):WaitForChild("BoolValue").Value = true
player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild("Cash").Value -= cashRequired
game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent:FireServer() -- # set this to the remote that's connected to the event
i understand but im also trying to delete the zone so the player can walk through, but if its on the server-side anyone will be able to walk through without paying.
A typo: local leadestats = plr:WaitForChildChild("leaderstats"), it should be WaitForChild not WaitForChildChild.
A replication issue: When a local script makes changes, those changes won’t replicate to the server(except for very specific scenarios like character physics). This means that if you change a value(like a BoolValue) on the client, the server will see the old value, not the new one. Instead, you need to switch to a server script or use Remote Events to directly communicate with the server, from the client.
Okay i figured everything by myself. thanks for help, i also need help with saving the boolean using datastores but thats something for another topic, ima post the link to that in a second
If serverSide sets the value to true, then you can just check on client if the value has changed.
--StarterCharacter script
local localCharacter = script.Parent
local booleanFolder = localCharacter:WaitForChild("test")
local accessBoolean = booleanFolder["BoolValue"]
local function onValueChanged()
local booleanValue = accessBoolean.Value
if booleanValue then
-- //Do something
Here is simple script which could be put in starterCharacter and should fix this issue.