Setting player's boolean value to true using a local script

Hello so basically im trying to make a zone system in which u can buy the first zone and by buying it, a boolean’s value is set to true, the problem is that it doesn’t work for some reason:

local script inside a proximity prompt:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
	local leadestats = plr:WaitForChildChild("leaderstats")
	local goldStats = leadestats and leadestats:WaitForChild("Cash")
	plr:FindFirstChild("test").BoolValue.Value = true

the boolean:


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You’re going to have to do it on the server to set the BoolValue to true, use remote events here’s an example.


local RemoteEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvent -- # Change this to wherever you store your remotes/current remotes

    local cashRequired = 0 -- # Change this to cash required
    if player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitaForChild("Cash").Value >= cashRequired then
       player:WaitForChild("test"):WaitForChild("BoolValue").Value = true
       player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild("Cash").Value -= cashRequired


  game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent:FireServer() -- # set this to the remote that's connected to the event


It sadly doesn’t work. Doesn’t take away the Cash or set the value to true.

You need to do this on server-sided script, not local script.

i understand but im also trying to delete the zone so the player can walk through, but if its on the server-side anyone will be able to walk through without paying.

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I see two issues:

  1. A typo: local leadestats = plr:WaitForChildChild("leaderstats"), it should be WaitForChild not WaitForChildChild.
  2. A replication issue: When a local script makes changes, those changes won’t replicate to the server(except for very specific scenarios like character physics). This means that if you change a value(like a BoolValue) on the client, the server will see the old value, not the new one. Instead, you need to switch to a server script or use Remote Events to directly communicate with the server, from the client.

Okay i figured everything by myself. thanks for help, i also need help with saving the boolean using datastores but thats something for another topic, ima post the link to that in a second

If serverSide sets the value to true, then you can just check on client if the value has changed.

--StarterCharacter script
local localCharacter = script.Parent

local booleanFolder = localCharacter:WaitForChild("test")
local accessBoolean = booleanFolder["BoolValue"]

local function onValueChanged()
    local booleanValue = accessBoolean.Value

    if booleanValue then
        -- //Do something


Here is simple script which could be put in starterCharacter and should fix this issue.