How do I set the rank of a player in Kohl’s Admin?
I found one that looks similar but I did not understand it.
Can someone please help? I’ll appreciate it. Thank you!
How do I set the rank of a player in Kohl’s Admin?
I found one that looks similar but I did not understand it.
Can someone please help? I’ll appreciate it. Thank you!
From memory:
or ;permadmin USERNAME
Can I possibly do it by script?
What do you mean?
Are you intending to offer admin as a reward or something?
It’s not like that, I have a rank system on my game that doesn’t use groups and I’m trying to set their rank in Kohl’s depending on their rank in the actual game
Nevermind, I just found it. The “Settings” ModuleScript gets placed with the Loader in ServerScriptService.
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